Hi, thanks for reading my blog!

I currently work as a Platform Engineer focused on developer experience. Most of my work has involved building tools in Go to automate and solve problems around the SDLC process. This can be anything from webhook servers handling events from GitHub, to CLI tools used by developers or running as containers in CI/CD pipelines. The main theme is enabling developers to be able to release their code frequently and safely, with minimal friction and cognitive overhead. To that end, I also spend time on things like writing custom GitHub actions or Jenkins functions, and maintaining infrastructure for these CI/CD systems. My hope with this blog that if at least one person learns something from one of my posts, it will have a positive impact. It’s also just a great way for me to continuously learn, and improve my technical writing skills.

You can find my GitHub profile here: https://github.com/risset/ (Fun fact: the name risset is a reference to the composer and computer music pioneer Jean-Claude Risset. It reflects my interest in computer music and I just like the name in general.)